How to reorder UTMs and other parameters in URL builders

The various URL builders in Terminus show the parameters in a certain order. The default order is:

  • UTM Campaign
  • UTM Medium
  • UTM Source
  • UTM Content
  • UTM Term
  • Any Custom Parameters defined in the project
  • Any Info Fields defined in the project

This order of parameters works for almost all cases. However, in some cases, you may want to customize this order for your own workflow. For example, you may want people to select UTM Medium first and then then the rest to emphasize that selecting a channel first is important. It's also possible that selecting a UTM medium might involve different set of dropdowns for say UTM Source.

Terminus allows you to specify any order of these parameters.

1. Navigate to Parameters Order Settings

Parameters order are located under your Project > Settings > Parameters Order

2. Reorder the Parameters

Once in the Parameters Order menu, arrange the parameters by dragging and dropping them into your preferred sequence using the provided icon "≡". Click the Save button to apply and retain your changes.

Upon successful completion of the process, an alert will confirm the update, and you will see the new order of the parameters.

3. Effect of Reordered Parameters in URL builders

After updating the Parameter Order, the changes will be visible in the various URL builder as follows:

1. Form mode builder

2. Grid mode builder

NOTE: If a Convention is applied to the URL builder, then the order of fields shown will also change based on the order of parameters they are applied to.

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