How to Set Up QR Code Templates

About QR Code Templates

QR code templates make it easy to create and customize QR codes for various uses. These can be used to add your branding using custom colors and logo. They ensure consistency and recognition for your product or service. Terminus QR code templates help you save time by generating templates directly, without needing a separate application for generating QR codes.

1. Go to the QR Code Templates setup page

From the top navigation, click on Account Settings in the dropdown.

NOTE: The Account Settings section is only accessible to users with Administrator privileges. If you don't see it, you don't have access. Please get in touch with your team members who have account administrator privileges.

Go to the QR Code Templates tab

2. Create a new template

Click on +Add a QR Code Template button to create your custom template

NOTE: The Terminus QR Code Template is set as the default template for your QR codes unless you designate another one.

3. Customize the template

Within the options, you can modify the name, foreground color, and background color, and also add a logo for further customization.

NOTE: The logo functionality is supported exclusively for PNG files. It does not work with other image formats such as JPG or SVG. Ensure you use PNG format to incorporate the logo effectively.

4. Save the template

Once you have completed the template, click the Save button to generate and preview the QR code with your design. Afterward, click the Done button to return to the QR Code Templates list.

5. Make the template Default

To set your created template as the default, click the Make Default button in the Default row. This will ensure that all the QR codes in your account use this when showing QR codes.

Once done, you can get your QR codes as usual.

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